Friday, 17 April 2015

PL-III (EOS) viva questions

Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Kondhawa, Pune-48
Department of Computer Engineering
Viva Questions

Subject:  PL-III (EOS)                                                                   Class: T.E.

Sr No
What is BegalBlack-Bone (BBB)?
Which processor is embedded in BBB?
Which processor BBB uses 32 bit or 64 bit?
List out BBB specifications.
Draw and explain general layout / architecture of BBB.
How much RAM size is used in the BBB available in your college?
Does BBB have HDMI port?
How many USB ports are there in BBB?
How do you connect BBB with desktop or laptop?
What are the ways to connect BBB to Linux machine?
Which is embedded operating system does your BBB have inbuilt?
What is the functionality of reset button on BBB?
What are the safest ways to shutdown or power off BBB?
How much is external power supply can be provided to BBB?
What GPIO stands for?
In how many blocks GPIO pins have been categorized?
What is the formula to calculate GPIO pin?
What setDirection and setValue methods does in your program?
List out the ARM versions available in market.
How can you distinguish BBB with normal desktop?
Define embedded system.
Define embedded operating system.
Define real time operating system.
What are the different types of operating systems you know?
What are the types of real time tasks?
List advantages and disadvantages of RTOS.
Define integrated processor.
What do you understand by System on Chip (SoC)?
Draw general anatomy of embedded system.
What are the major categories of ARM instruction set?
Explain with the example of load-store instruction.
Define LSB.
Define OSDL.
What is BIOS? Why it is important in boot process?
List different bootloaders you know.
Differentiate BIOS Vs bootloader.
What do you understand by cross development environment? Did you try it in your laboratory?
Define device driver?
What Linux commands can be used to insert, remove and list loadable kernel modules?
What PCI stands for?
What is SSH? Explain with example.
What is steeper motor? In what directions it can be rotated?
Define embedded Android.
Draw and explain Android architecture.
Draw and explain Android boot process.
What is Zygote in Android boot process?
Approximately how many system services are launched after completion Androidboot process?
What is role of Activity Manager in Android?
What is subject code of Embedded Operating System and Programming Lab-III?
List out the assignments that you have kept in your journal file.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Writing your first device driver on Fedora19

1. Create a C program.
2. Compile C program to get .o file
3. Convert .o file to .ko (kernel object) file
4. Insert .ko file
5. Check the existence of .ko file
6. Remove .ko file

ofd.c source code

/* ofd.c – Our First Driver code */
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>

static int __init ofd_init(void) /* Constructor */
    printk(KERN_INFO "Hello : ofd registered");
    return 0;

static void __exit ofd_exit(void) /* Destructor */
    printk(KERN_INFO "Goodbye : ofd unregistered");



Contents of MakeFile

 # Makefile – makefile of our first driver
# if KERNELRELEASE is defined, we've been invoked from the
# kernel build system and can use its language.
    obj-m := ofd.o
# Otherwise we were called directly from the command line.
# Invoke the kernel build system.
KERNEL_SOURCE := /usr/src/kernels/3.18.7-100.fc20.x86_64
PWD := $(shell pwd)

Execution snapshot on Fedora 19 machine

Unit 5 Development Tools

Unit 6 Embedded Android and Android Applications

Question bank Unit 4,5, and 6

  Unit no: 4
1.     Explain bootloader in detail.
2.     Explain in details various challenges for bootloader in embedded systems.
3.     Differentiate BIOS Vs bootloader.
4.     What is U-boot? Explain its configurable commands.
5.     Explain with the help of example module utilities used to add, delete and display information of loadable modules.
6.     What do you understand by device driver? Write and explain your first device driver.
7.     Write short notes on device driver categorization.
8.      Explain with the help of neat diagram PCI device driver.
9.     Explain in short PCI configuration header.
10.  What are the general steps involved in PCI discovery process and probe function.
11.  Define filesystem. Explain embedded Linux filesystem hierarchy.
12.  What is MTD subsystem? How it is useful?
13.  Explain JFFS2 file system with applications.
14.  Explain with the help of diagram cross platform application development.
15.  Why it’s desired in embedded system to opt for cross platform application development?
16.  Explain in detail embedded development environment.
Explain in short DHCP server, TFTP server.

   Unit no: 5

1.     What is GNU Debugger? How it is used? Explain with the help of example.
2.     Explain various ways available to debug embedded applications.
3.     Explain in detail tracing and profiling tools.
4.     Explain graphics display of data in embedded system.
5.     Explain with the help of diagram how a kernel GDB (KGDB) setup works?
6.     Write short note on OpenGLES, GStreamer media framework.
7.     What is SSH? How it is helpful while communicating with the remote machine?
8.     Compare SSH and telnet?
9.     Write short note on RCP and SCP.
10.  What is stepper motor? Explain its working in detail.
11.  How to interface stepper motor with BBB? Explain the necessary steps.
12.  What is embedded graphics? Explain its real time applications.
13.  Explain any two multimedia tools used in embedded systems.
14.  Explain with example how printk() is used debud the kernel.
15. Write short note on, DDL, EGL, OpenGL.

Unit no: 6

     1.     What do you mean by porting Linux? What are the prerequisites needed to do it?
2.     What is embedded Android? How it can be differentiated from embedded Linux?
3.     Explain in detail the latency components of Linux operating system
4.     Which scheduling policies Linux uses to schedule real time processes? Explain them with example.
5.     List and explain Linux kernel’s four preemption modes.
6.     List and explain design principles of embedded android bootloader.
7.     Draw a neat diagram and explain Android architecture.
8.     Explain with the help of diagram Android boot process.
9.     Explain in detail the development process of Android application.
10.  Explain sequence of steps involved in building and running Android application.
11.  Write a source code to develop Android application – calculator. You may consider Eclipse IDE’s project hierarchy.
12. List and explain advantages and disadvantages of using Android Operating system.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Unit 1 - Real time operating system

Question bank on unit 1, unit 2 and unit 3

Unit I
Q 1. What is Embedded System? Draw and explain anatomy of embedded system.
Q2.  What is Priority Inversion and how embedded OS deals with it?
Q3. Write short notes on core functions of operating system.
Q4. Explain with example deadline scheduling.
Q5. Differentiate Hard, soft and firm real time systems. State the one example of each.
Q6. What is real time task?
Q7. Explain in details the concept of real time operating system and its necessity.
Q8. Define periodic, aperiodic and speriodic tasks
Q9. Explain with example deadline scheduling, earliest deadline first scheduling and  rate monotonic scheduling.
Q10. Explain in details the concept of real time operating system and its necessity.
Q11. Explain in detail: task, process and threads.
Q12. What are the qualities of good RTOS?
Q13. What are the layers of operating system?
Q14. Define device driver. Explain its classification.
Q15. Define release time, deadline, completion time, laxity and tardiness in concern with RTOS.

Unit II
Q1.  Compare 1) Standalone processor Vs Integrated Processor 2) RISC Vs CISC
Q2. Explain seven operating modes of ARM .
Q3. What is Beagle Bone Black (BBB)? Explain with the help of diagram key component         
       of BBB.
Q4.  Write a short note on 1) Systems on chip (SOC).
Q5. Draw and explain in short ARM architecture with its core peripherals.
Q6. Write any four features of ARM Cortex-M3.
Q7. Explain with the help of example load and store instructions used in ARM.
Q8. Explain process status  register (PSR) for ARM.
Q9. What is Barrel Shifter?  Explain with example.
Q10.  Explain Data processing instructions of ARM with it’s syntax and example.
Q11. Explain naming convention for ARM with example.
Q12. Explain Thumb  mode of ARM.
Q13 Explain Jazelle mode of ARM.
Q14. Write a Program in ARM assembly language to find the sum of 3X+4Y+9Z where    
Q15. Explain Load and Store instructions for single register.
Q16. Explain pre indexed and post indexed addressing.
Q17. How Branch instructions of ARM works?
Q18. Differentiate  CPSR and SPSR.

Q19.  Explain multiple Load/Store instructions.
Q20. Explain the features of BaegleBone Black with revision C. 

Unit III
Q1. Explain in detail - LSB, OSDL, MLI.
Q2. Explain with the help of diagram embedded Linux development set up.
Q3. Explain the Linux architecture in detail. 
Q4. Why embedded Linux is popular? What are the applications of embedded Linux?
Q5. Compare and contrast BIOS and bootloader.  
Q6. What happens when kernel is booting? Explain the process. 
Q7. What do you understand by flash memory? Why it is required?
Q8. Compare NOR flash with NAND flash.
Q9. What is  cross development environment? How it is useful?
Q10. Write short notes on Do-It-Yourself Linux distribution. 
Q11. Explain in detail busybox.
Q12. What is composite kernel image construction? Explain stepwise process to do it. 
Q13. Compare and contrast interrupt with interrupt   vectors. 
Q14. What is U-bbot? How it helps in booting process?